Before filing a complaint, we recommend that you register an account so that you may track your complaint or answer any follow-up questions the Board or Program may have.

To start your complaint, click the "File Complaint" button and search for the licensee (Respondent). If the person is not licensed, select "Switch to Manual Entry" to enter the information manually. The following screens will confirm the licensee or business information and your contact information (unless you check "File Anonymously").

When filling out your complaint, please provide as much information as possible to allow the Board/Program to identify the issues and respond appropriately. After reviewing the information you entered and clicking "Finish Process", you will be returned to this screen.

For detailed information about the complaint process, please visit our Complaint Information page.

Important Note: At the end of the complaint form you will be provided the opportunity to print your complaint. If you select this option, don't forget to return to your complaint form tab to select the "Finish" and complete your submission. If you fail to select the final "Finish" button, the Division will not receive your complaint.