Case Detail

  • Case photo 1 for Maureen  Maningas (FEMALE)

Maureen Maningas

Case Details

Case Type: Homicide

Height: 4' 9"

Case Status:

Weight: 90 lbs


Identifying Marks:

Incident Date: 11/10/1999


Agency: Denver Police Department

City: Denver

Date of Birth: 07/09/1949

County: Denver

Date of Death: 11/10/1999

Agency Case #: 99-42559

Judicial District: 2nd Judicial District

Age: 50

Gender: Female

Year Solved:

Race: White

Tribal Affiliation: N/A

Ethnicity: Unknown

NamUs Case #: Unknown

Eye Color: Blue

NCMEC Case #: Unknown

Hair Color: Blond/Strawberry

About this Case:

Members of the Denver Police Department responded to a call of an unresponsive female found within Sunken Gardens Park. The victim, subsequently identified as Maureen Maningas, was pronounced deceased at the scene. During the course of the preliminary investigation, it was discovered that the victim sustained significant blunt force trauma. The suspect(s) responsible for the death of Maureen Maningas have yet to be identified. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the Denver Police Department.

If you have any information about this case, please contact:

Denver Police Department

