Case Detail

  • Case photo 1 for Wendy Renee Wisner (FEMALE)
  • Case photo 2 for Wendy Renee Wisner (FEMALE)

Wendy Renee Wisner

Case Details

Case Type: Missing

Height: 5' 4"

Case Status:

Weight: 125 lbs


Identifying Marks: Missing right index finger. Long hair and slim build. Wears prescription glasses.

Incident Date: 09/09/2004


Agency: Aurora Police Department

City: Aurora

Date of Birth: 09/05/1956

County: Adams

Date of Death:

Agency Case #: 2004-44633

Judicial District: 17th Judicial District

Age: 48

Gender: Female

Year Solved:

Race: White

Tribal Affiliation: N/A

Ethnicity: Unknown

NamUs Case #: 17628

Eye Color: Hazel

NCMEC Case #: Unknown

Hair Color: Blond/Strawberry

About this Case:

On the morning of September 11, 2004, 48 year old Wendy Wisner was reported missing to the Aurora Police Department by one of her sons. Ms. Wisner was last seen by the reporting party on September 9, 2004 while patronizing the MVP Lounge, located on the 15400 block of East Hampden Avenue. Wendy's car was found abandoned in the parking lot of the MVP Lounge. She may have been in the company of an unidentified male, possibly for a dinner date. Ms. Wisner has not been heard from since. Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to please contact the Aurora Police Department.

If you have any information about this case, please contact:

Aurora Police Department

