Case Detail

  • Case photo 1 for Johnnie Carlos Martinez (MALE)
  • Case photo 2 for Johnnie Carlos Martinez (MALE)

Johnnie Carlos Martinez

Case Details

Case Type: Homicide

Height: 5' 10"

Case Status:

Weight: 160 lbs


Identifying Marks:

Incident Date: 09/13/2011


Agency: Colorado Springs Police Department

City: Colorado Springs

Date of Birth: 02/26/1964

County: El Paso

Date of Death: 09/22/2011

Agency Case #: 11-29192

Judicial District: 4th Judicial District

Age: 47

Gender: Male

Year Solved:

Race: Unknown

Tribal Affiliation: N/A

Ethnicity: N/A

NamUs Case #:

Eye Color: Brown

NCMEC Case #:

Hair Color: Brown

About this Case:

On September 14, 2011, police responded to an assault which the victim said had occurred around 11:00 PM the previous night at Dorchester Park on S. Nevada Ave. in Colorado Springs. Mr. Martinez, who was homeless and frequented the area of the park, reported he had been sleeping on playground equipment there when he was awakened and beaten about the face by two men he did not know. Victim survived the initial assault and did not seek medical treatment until the next day, however he died as a result of his injuries eight (8) days later. Anyone with information regarding this case, please contact the Colorado Springs Police Department.

If you have any information about this case, please contact:

Colorado Springs Police Department

Colorado Springs
