Case Detail
Ray Burssie Collins
Case Details
Case Type: Missing
Height: 5' 9"
Case Status:
Weight: 150 lbs
Identifying Marks: Used reading glasses. 3 deformed fingers on right hand to include pinky, ring, and middle fingers due to carpentry accident - tips of fingers missing. Scar on bridge of nose. Spoke with a southern accent.
Incident Date: 09/01/1987
Agency: Chaffee County Sheriff's Office
City: Salida
Date of Birth: 10/03/1929
County: Chaffee
Date of Death:
Agency Case #: 87-2613
Judicial District: 11th Judicial District
Age: 57
Gender: Male
Year Solved:
Race: White
Tribal Affiliation: N/A
Ethnicity: Unknown
NamUs Case #: 12001
Eye Color: Blue
NCMEC Case #: Unknown
Hair Color: Brown
About this Case:
57 year old Ray Collins, a resident of Winter Haven FL, was mineral collecting in Salida, CO with 2 male friends. One friend returned to FL on a family emergency, then a few days later, the other friend returned driving Collins' pick-up truck. It was later discovered that that friend had taken out a $25,000 life insurance policy on Collins. The friend said that Collins had wanted to go to the Grand Canyon, so he dropped him off at a bus station in Colorado Springs. Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to please contact the Chaffee County Sheriff's Office.
If you have any information about this case, please contact:
Chaffee County Sheriff's Office