Case Detail
Paul Richard Hodgden
Case Details
Case Type: Missing
Height: 5' 8"
Case Status:
Weight: 145 lbs
Aliases: Paul Cunningham; Paul Johnson; 'C4'
Identifying Marks: Multiple tattoos, details below. Left ear is pierced. Prior forearm fracture, prior upper jaw fracture.
Incident Date: 02/19/2012
Agency: Parachute Police Department
City: Parachute
Date of Birth: 09/25/1985
County: Garfield
Date of Death:
Agency Case #: CR12-028
Judicial District: 9th Judicial District
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Year Solved:
Race: White
Tribal Affiliation: N/A
Ethnicity: Unknown
NamUs Case #: 17412
Eye Color: Hazel
NCMEC Case #: Unknown
Hair Color: Brown
About this Case:
On February 19, 2012, Paul Hodgden went to dinner with friends at a local restaurant. Paul was never seen again. He has a history of heavy alcohol and drug use and was on probation. Mr. Hodgden is asthmatic, has mental health issues, and may be suicidal. He was last seen wearing a tan and red coat, black shirt, blue jeans, and red and white shoes. Mr. Hodgden has multiple tattoos, including: large 'RR' with overlapping Rs on right neck; two hands praying with a dangling rosary on left neck; skyscraper buildings with a bench in front on chest; 'RIP JDS' on left wrist; '4 Life' on right arm; a prince wearing a crown on chest with words 'Hors La Loi' underneath; dragon on left shoulder; 'PRC' on right shoulder; '1 Nation' on left arm; skulls on right forearm; 'Casanova' down left side of arm to knee; 'Cheapest Dentist' across all fingers; 'No Evil' on left ear; 'Karma' on left hand; '970' on calf (possibly left calf). Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to please contact the Parachute Police Department.
If you have any information about this case, please contact:
Parachute Police Department