Case Detail

  • Case photo 1 for Vance Christian Wilfong (MALE)

Vance Christian Wilfong

Case Details

Case Type: Homicide

Height: 6' 1"

Case Status:

Weight: 180 lbs


Identifying Marks:

Incident Date: 11/20/2015


Agency: Colorado Springs Police Department

City: Colorado Springs

Date of Birth: 01/10/1993

County: El Paso

Date of Death: 11/20/2015

Agency Case #: 2015-46378

Judicial District: 4th Judicial District

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Year Solved:

Race: White

Tribal Affiliation: N/A

Ethnicity: Unknown

NamUs Case #:

Eye Color: Brown

NCMEC Case #:

Hair Color: Red/Auburn

About this Case:

Vance Wilfong was found in a large field south of a car wash next to a tree. His body was found outside of his tent in a transient community. This field was next to the 700 block of Pikes Peak Avenue. Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to please contact Colorado Springs Police Department.

If you have any information about this case, please contact:

Colorado Springs Police Department

Colorado Springs
