Case Detail

  • Case photo 1 for Melba  Jean  Ginther (FEMALE)
  • Case photo 2 for Melba  Jean  Ginther (FEMALE)

Melba Jean Ginther

Case Details

Case Type: Homicide

Height: 5' 3"

Case Status:

Weight: 140 lbs


Identifying Marks:

Incident Date: 05/20/2002


Agency: Eagle County Sheriff's Office

City: Eagle

Date of Birth: 02/23/1945

County: Eagle

Date of Death: 05/20/2002

Agency Case #: 2002-1184

Judicial District: 5th Judicial District

Age: 57

Gender: Female

Year Solved:

Race: White

Tribal Affiliation: N/A

Ethnicity: Unknown

NamUs Case #:

Eye Color: Blue

NCMEC Case #:

Hair Color: Blond/Strawberry

About this Case:

On Monday, May 20, 2002, at around 7:00 pm, Melba Ginther, 57, was found murdered just off of Highway 24 between Minturn and Leadville at the Pando Railroad Interchange. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to contact the Eagle County Sheriff's Office.

If you have any information about this case, please contact:

Eagle County Sheriff's Office

