Case Detail

  • Case photo 1 for Richard S Burchfield (MALE)
  • Case photo 2 for Richard S Burchfield (MALE)

Richard S Burchfield

Case Details

Case Type: Homicide

Height: Unknown

Case Status:

Weight: Unknown


Identifying Marks:

Incident Date: 11/26/1953


Agency: Colorado Springs Police Department

City: Colorado Springs

Date of Birth: Unknown

County: El Paso

Date of Death: 11/26/1953

Agency Case #: 53-03232

Judicial District: 4th Judicial District

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Year Solved:

Race: Unknown

Tribal Affiliation: N/A

Ethnicity: N/A

NamUs Case #: Unknown

Eye Color: Unknown

NCMEC Case #: Unknown

Hair Color: Unknown

About this Case:

On November 26, 1953, Thanksgiving Day, a citizen saw a marked Colorado Springs Police Department cruiser stopped against the curb near Bijou & El Paso streets, with an officer slumped over the steering wheel. Responding officers found their colleague, Officer Richard S. Burchfield, deceased in the driver's seat from multiple gunshot wounds. About an hour prior to his murder, Officer Burchfield had been one of several officers investigating the armed robbery of a man in the area of 1600 N. Wood Ave. When last seen, it appeared that he was going to look for suspects in those crimes. Investigation revealed Officer Burchfield had been shot from close range, probably from inside his cruiser. Investigation revealed information suggesting the officer had contacted the robbery suspect. Extensive investigation over the next several months and years produced the names of several potential suspects, however the investigation into Officer Burchfield's death remains open. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the Colorado Springs Police Department.

If you have any information about this case, please contact:

Colorado Springs Police Department

Colorado Springs
