Case Detail
Jennifer Watkins
Case Details
Case Type: Homicide
Height: 5' 7"
Case Status:
Weight: 180 lbs
Identifying Marks:
Incident Date: 11/08/1999
Agency: Colorado Springs Police Department
City: Colorado Springs
Date of Birth: 11/24/1975
County: El Paso
Date of Death: 11/08/1999
Agency Case #: 99-36195
Judicial District: 4th Judicial District
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Year Solved: 2020-01-01 00:00:00.0
Race: White
Tribal Affiliation: N/A
Ethnicity: Unknown
NamUs Case #:
Eye Color: Brown
NCMEC Case #:
Hair Color: Brown
About this Case:
On November 5, 1999, Jennifer Watkins failed to pick up her two children from her mother after work that evening, her husband reported her missing. On November 8, 1999, a maintenance worker found Jennifer Watkins body under a secluded stairwell in Memorial Hospital, with blunt force trauma to the head. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the Colorado Springs Police Department.
If you have any information about this case, please contact:
Colorado Springs Police Department
Colorado Springs