Case Detail
John Salsbury
Case Details
Case Type: Homicide
Height: Unknown
Case Status:
Weight: Unknown
Identifying Marks:
Incident Date: 08/21/1983
Agency: Denver Police Department
City: Denver
Date of Birth: Unknown
County: Denver
Date of Death: 08/28/1983
Agency Case #: 83-854603
Judicial District: 2nd Judicial District
Age: 62
Gender: Male
Year Solved:
Race: White
Tribal Affiliation: N/A
Ethnicity: Unknown
NamUs Case #: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
NCMEC Case #: Unknown
Hair Color: Bald/Balding
About this Case:
On August 21, 1983, 62 year old John Salsbury and some of his friends were drinking in the alley located near the intersection of West 8th Avenue and Sante Fe Drive when they were confronted by a group of unknown assailants. During the altercation, John Salsbury was severely beaten and required urgent medical attention for his injuries. While hospitalized, John Salsbury succumbed to his injuries and died one week later on August 28, 1983. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the Denver Police Department.
If you have any information about this case, please contact:
Denver Police Department